Currently generating a new wish list, since all my wishes were granted over the Holidays.

Thursday, April 27, 2006


Half Man, Half Pig, Half Bear. Al Gore came to South Park to warn the residents about the impending threat of this creature. The episode also returned South Park to it's winning formula of focusing on the boys adventures as a group. I particularly enjoyed Cartman stuffing himself full of treasure in an effort ot keep it all to himself. In the end crapping it all out and then finding out that it was fake treasure. For a more detailed summary of the episode go here.

Overall it was a pretty good episode, I think Trey and Matt have made it abundantly clear that they don't care for the whole global warming alarm that is going off as a result of the record breaking Hurricanes this year and other weather abnormalities. I'm not sure where they really fall on the issue, I am leaning towards the opinion that they believe in global warming but that there is really nothing we can do about it. While I disagree with their position for the long term, in the short term there really isn't much we can do to affect what meteoroligical events might happen.

Here's hoping they take aim at the greedy oil companies or the global warming deniers in the future. I am more hopeful that they will take aim at the former, than the latter. They tend to go against the grain, and being out on the west coast, I am sure they are inundated by the environmental groups.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I'm still around

Hopefully will get back to posting sometime in the near future. So many factors contributing to the lack of posting, bad internet connection at work, nice weather, not much to rant about that hasn't been ranted about, and I am going to Vegas this weekend.

I'm still around

Hopefully will get back to posting sometime in the near future. So many factors contributing to the lack of posting, bad internet connection at work, nice weather, not much to rant about that hasn't been ranted about, and I am going to Vegas this weekend.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Guess who else got a Peabody award...

no Bill O'Reilly did not get his Peabody's yet, though he still claims to have them.

Matt Parker and Trey Stone can be added to the long list of people who have one more Peabody than Mr. O'Liely, South Park took home a Peabody, they now join Jon Stewart as Comedy Central Peabody winners.